Request for comments on the draft guideline of "Nirmal Vidyalaya Puraskar"

Nirmal Vidyalaya Puraskar (Draft guideline) - Please provide your suggestions

(Source: Kuma Alok, UNICEF, New Delhi)

Over the past few years the NGP has successfully mobilized the PRIs in sanitation promotion. Even though School Sanitation and Hygiene Education (SSHE) is a non negotiable component of NGP, somehow this component has not got adequate priority and emphasis. This may be because of the fact that in the NGP, recognition is primarily given to PRI representatives.

Therefore, an incentive scheme to reward the schools which promote environmental sanitation and hygiene is being considered by the Government. Based on the preliminary discussions, a draft guideline of the scheme, to be called as "Nirmal Vidyalaya Puraskar", has been developed. The draft guideline can be downloaded from

We request our members to go through this draft guideline and share their comments so that this can be further improved. Your comments can be sent to us at

Post By: iwp