Report of the workshop on High resolution cartosat satellite data


Irrigation development is essential to ensure water and food security on a sustainable basis. Large scale development of irrigation infrastructure is the key to achieve these objectives. Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Program (AIBP) was launched by Government of India during 1996-97 to provide financial assistance to State Governments with the aim of speeding up the implementation of on-going irrigation / multi-purpose water resources projects. Monitoring of the projects covered under the AIBP is periodically done by the Central Water Commission / Ministry of Water Resources with the help of its regional offices situated all over the country. In the absence of real time maps during construction, the conventional monitoring is done through discussions with field authorities and random field checks. The monitoring reports with non-spatial information generally lack in the synoptic view of the critical gaps and the quantitative progress achieved in irrigation potential creation.

The availability of data from Cartosat - 1 and Cartosat - 2 high resolution satellites has enhanced the scope of infrastructure mapping and monitoring. This data has immense potential for assessment of progress of Irrigation works and closer visualization of spatial irrigation network.


NRSC, ISRO has developed the methodology for assessment of irrigation potential created through inventory of irrigation infrastructure using high resolution satellite data and demonstrated its application potential using cost effective Indian Cartosat satellite data. High resolution Satellite data also provide actual ground information on status of irrigation infrastructure from time to time enabling time stamping of the progress achieved. The study was well appreciated by planning commission, MoWR, CWC & others.

At the request of Planning Commission, Govt. of India, NRSC has successfully completed the study on "Assessment of I.P created in 53 AIBP funded irrigation projects located in 18 states in India during 2007-09 covering an I.P target of 5.45 M.ha for Central Water Commission (CWC). In continuation, CWC, MoWR has requested NRSC for taking up additional 50 irrigation projects (AIBP Phase – II) during 2011-12 in association with partner institutes (state remote sensing centres and academic institutes) essentially to build capacity in this area".

Meanwhile, the 6th NNRMS SC-W (National Natural Resources Monitoring System – Standing Committee on Water Resources) headed by Secretary, MoWR, Govt. of India discussed the study and appreciated the results and noted the utility of satellite data for monitoring and implementation of AIBP scheme. Also, it was suggested to develop capacity building in this area towards institutionalization of the technology among Central and State Govt. departments.

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