Report of the National Science Mela 2011 organised by Arul Anandar College of Karumathur, Tamil Nadu

From 25th to 27th of Feb.- 2011, the Arul Anandar College of Karumathur conducted National Science Mela 2011: Youth for Science and Science for prosperity on Eco - water, Sanitation and Hygiene with the support of National Council for  Science & Technology Communication, DST, Govt. of India, New Delhi, Tamil Nadu State Council for Science and Technology and Tamil Nadu Science City Chennai.

iGREEN was invited for this Science Mela and put a stall and explained about the carbon effect to the participants. Mr. Francis Xavier - Convener of iGREEN explained the Science of 350 campaign and How to reduce the carbon effect from the atmosphere with the support of our iGREEN Scientist Mr. Abdul Azis and Mr. John Bosco, Assistant  Prof. of Rural Development Science in Arul Anandar College to the participants.

Download the below attachment to see some snap shots of that occasion
