Rejuvenation of community toilets A policy paper by UNHABITAT and Government of Madhya Pradesh

UN-HABITATThe policy paper examines the condition of community toilet in terms of its infrastructure, operation & maintenance, uses and payment of user charges. The paper is a result of a joint collaboration between Water for Asian Cities (WAC) Programme of UN-HABITAT and the Directorate of Urban Administration & Development, Government of Madhya Pradesh.

In Madhya Pradesh, WAC is supporting Asian Development Bank-financed project in cities of Bhopal, Gwalior, Indore and Jabalpur to improve and expand urban water and sanitation services. This study has been taken up to monitor implementation of the water and sanitation related targets.

The paper illustrates instances of well-maintained community toilets where users are paying charges. It examines the possibility of involving users and community groups, especially women to enhance chances of success. It recommends a system based on empowerment of users owning, operating and maintaining the systems, with the involvement of local NGOs and CBOs. Collection of service charges by user groups is highlighted as a sustainable solution for rehabilitation of defunct community toilets as well as newly constructed ones.

The initiatives suggested in the policy paper are very useful for professionals engaged in promoting sanitation to adopt and adapt innovative mechanisms for establishing community toilets based on community managed operation and maintenance. 

Post By: iwpsuperadmin