Rajasthan urban housing and habitat policy and guidelines for action plan - Urban Development and Housing Department (Government of Rajasthan) (2006)

The  mission of the Rajasthan Urban Housing and Habitat Policy (RUHHP - 06) is:

  • To provide shelter to all the sections of the population
  • To ensure sustainable development of human settlements
  • To ensure a better quality of life for the population
  • To adopt a multisectoral approach and involve and use the potential of all levels of stakeholders.

The RUHHP-06 is broadly in consonance with latest National  Housing and Habitat Policy-2005 (Ist draft has been issued). The document goes on to highlight the present urban and  rural situation in Rajasthan, the increasing population density in the urban areas because of migration of people from rural to urban areas and the housing issues arising because of this increased density of population in urban areas.

The policy thus focuses on balanced development, promotion of in situ-urbanisation, vertical construction and the use of sustainable development models.

It aims at:

  • Reducing homelessness
  • Provision of quality and cost effective housing to the poor and vulnerable groups
  • Accelerating supply of land and housing to the low income groups
  • Upgradation of infrastructure in towns and cities
  • Satisfying housing needs of the urbans poor, including slum dwellers
  • Ensuring access to basic sanitation facilities, drinking water and electricity in the existing dwellings
  • Upgrading of houses by adding room/bathroom/kitchen/latrine/drainage system
  • Using technology to modernise housing sector
  • Promoting healthy environment and sustainable development in the housing sector
  • Facilitating, restructuring and empowering the institutions at state and local governments to mobilise land  planning and financing for housing and basic amenities
  • Forging strong partnerships between private, public and cooperative sectors

The document goes on to describe the details of the steps that will be undertaken to meet the aims given above

This document can be accessed here from the Rajasthan Housing Board website

Download the document:


Post By: rajshekar