Pure Water During Floods: Technology & Methods

A very relevant query has been raised on the Answer A Question Service on the Portal by Mr. Sibasis Panda.

The query calls for solutions to the problem of providing potable water during flood situations. This is rendered critical by the paucity of freshwater in flood affected areas and also the risk of water borne diseases. Several responses have been received, each highlighting a technique or method that can be implemented at various levels (family, community, district). Dr. Rao provides links to the Solution Exchange Community and Guidebooks of WHO that provide easy to follow instructions to purify water. S.Khuntia from CSIR, Bhubaneswar writes of innovative TERAFIL technology and their efforts to reach it to the disaster site. S.S.Ranganathan provides information on the design and production of "Disaster Management Units" in an easy to transport container format, Suneel Pandey advocates the simple to follow sand filter and chlorination method to provide water. The discussion can be accessed on the Portal 

Learn more or add to the information, pitch in now! Kindly share practical experiences or lessons learned!

Post By: iwp