Procedures for systematic processing of rainfall data - A research report by National Institute of Hydrology

The report is an attempt to compile the procedures for systematic processing of rainfall data. The concepts of rainfall data processing have been discussed. It provides computer programs that are meant for processing and analysis of rainfall data collected from various sources. Different well documented computer programs, their description with input specifications and test input are given in the report.

Hydrometeorological analysis forms an important part of hydrological research and rainfall data is an important parameter needed for the purpose. The rainfall data collected by a number of organizations in their raw form contains many gaps and inconsistencies.

The preliminary processing of this data is essential before it can be put to further use in analysis. The data needs to be evaluated for its accuracy and has to be prepared in a most usable form for the users. The need for use of faster methods of processing the data has been felt with the increase in the number of data records for processing and this led to the use of computers.

The study shows that distributed data processing systems tend to be more flexible in meeting changing needs but may present problems of compatibility, particularly if several types of computer systems are linked to the system.

Download the report here:

Post By: rajshekar