Potential impacts of climate change

 A visual depiction of potential climate change impacts across the world from the National Geographic Channel. Below is a screen capture, click on the link to see the full application. http://green.nationalgeographic.com/environment/global-warming/gw-impacts-interactive.html ngc.bmp

Calcutta and Miami most at risk from coastal flooding by 2070

"The impact of climate change and urban development could more than triple the number of people around the world exposed to coastal flooding by 2070, says a report by the OECD. Miami is the most exposed city today and will be for the foreseeable future. By 2070, eight of the most exposed cities will be in Asia. The most exposed city in terms of population will be Kolkata (Calcutta), while Miami will be most vulnerable in terms of infrastructure assets. " http://www.citymayors.com/environment/coastal-flooding.html

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