Planning of crop and water management practices using weekly rainfall data - A research report by National Institute of Hydrology

The report presents a methodology for planning of crop and water management practices using weekly rainfall data. The weekly rainfall values have been estimated at various probability levels to determine rainfall deficit or surplus for planning of crop and water management practices and for evaluating a strategy to use alternative measures for irrigation and water management schemes in rainfed areas.

Furthermore, to evolve a strategy for contingency crop planning and water management practices to promote crop production in rainfed areas, weekly probabilities and crop water requirements of all principal crops grown in the study areas were estimated and consistency of weekly rainfall distribution analyzed.

The estimation of weekly rainfall at various probability levels was carried out to determine rainfall deficit or surplus for crop planning. The rainfall data of about 22 years (1977-1999) for Raichur and Koppal was analyzed for estimating the weekly probability of rainfall at 60, 70, 75, 80 and 90 per cent levels using statistical distribution.

The rainfall deficit or surplus for different weeks was computed by comparing expected rainfall and the consumptive use of all principal crops grown in the study area. The strategy to adopt proper cropping pattern and alternative measures has been suggested for all principal crops in the study area.

Download the report here:


Post By: Rama Mani