Planning Commission solicits your views and suggestions on the "Twelfth Five Year Plan" approach paper

Planning Commission


The Twelfth Plan

India’s Twelfth Five-Year Plan will run from 2012 to 2017. Before the Plan is prepared and detailed, an Approach Paper is written. This Approach Paper explains the overall goal of the plan; the broad issues that the Plan will focus on; and the “how” of the Plan, that is, its’ underlying philosophy. The Approach Paper is thus a critical first step to making the Twelfth Plan. The importance of the Approach Paper is seen from the fact that it is discussed and then approved by the National Development Council, comprising the Prime Minister, the Chief Ministers of every state, and all Union Ministers.

From you

The Planning Commission has started working on the Approach Paper for the Twelfth Plan. We would like your views and suggestions on the broad issues that the Approach Paper should focus on and the concerns that it should address.


The Members of the Planning Commission at a meeting chaired by its Deputy Chairman intensively discussed the main theme for the Twelfth Five Year Plan. This was in the backdrop of the performance of the Eleventh Five Year Plan in achieving its objectives of faster and inclusive growth. From this discussion, it was decided that the main goal of the Twelfth Five Year Plan should be “faster, sustainable, and more inclusive growth”.

In this broad theme, some specific sub-themes were chosen: Money, The Planet, Making it all Happen, and The People. Some subjects under each of these sub-themes have also been identified. Please go to the bottom of the page to see the specific subjects relating to each of these sub-themes. A schematic linking all these subjects and themes is given in this downloadable document. Click here to download this.

The first June 19 consultation

On June 19, 2010, the Planning Commission invited some noted experts in governance, business, and other areas to give their thoughts on these themes. Their suggestions on how should the approach to the plan be developed were also taken on board. The outcome of this consultative workshop can be downloaded from the link

Your specific ideas

After reading this document and its attachments, please give your suggestions on any/all of the topics below. You may send your thoughts to the Director, Plan Coordination Division at These will be used in prioritizing objectives and in building a more consultative method in preparing this Approach Paper.

Next steps

As these themes and issues are refined through more consultation, the page will be updated to reflect the latest position of the Planning Commission. Please revisit this page regularly to participate in and contribute to an important process of national development.

