Pipeline distribution of water : A concept

The word Water is  is sufficient to fulfill the thirst as well as enough power to be  drowned away the entire universe. This is the nature of water  We all know that water is precious & cann't be get if lost In certain areas where have an adequate amount of water is available people are wasting it There seems No savings No care No thought but in those areas where water is in meagre people knows the value of water They really adored like God because they know the importance of water. In my opinion drinking water problem can be easily solved. Think. Do you have any idea? One idea is always running in my mind. Why donn't we supply the drinking water through pipeline as like as petroleum product"s supply to Gulf country. India has a rich resource of water & we are wasting it. We can supply to the Gulf country through pipeline or in the same case pipe line distribution can be done in our country too where there is always a lack of water especially due to exploitation of  Ground water. In Punjab & Haryana the water table is decreasing. We can maintain the balance through water transfer technology. Although the cost of the project will be too high but if we have problem then we have a remedy too. Start from today. The making of canal costs very high & it needs to acquire lands too but pipe line distribution can be easily done.

Post By: uksagar