Performance of sewage treatment plants - Coliform reduction - Control of urban pollution series - CPCB (2008)

This report presents the findings of a study conducted by CPCB with the help of Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee and Anna University, Chennai  on the performance of all the prevailing treatment technologies in terms of Coliform reduction. IIT Roorkee had also carried out experiments on measures for further reduction in Coliform level after the conventional treatment. The two Institutes also compiled the information from the world literature on global technological options for Coliform reduction in sewage. The results of these studies are presented in this report.

The methodology followed included the following:

  • Literature review including status of water resources, parameters for assessing microbiological quality, effects of microbial pollutants, impact of wastewater treatment processes
  • Assessment of performance of sewage treatment plants
  • Evolving standards for treated urban wastewater and strategies to improve microbiological quality of water.
The major conclusions drawn in this report are:
  • All rivers in the country are polluted, and the water is unfit for drinking without adequate treatment. Therefore, it is necessary to study the rising problem of microbial pollution of the inland water bodies
  • Disposal of urban wastewater without adequate treatment is the primary cause of this pollution. Various systems of treatment of urban wastewater need in depth study upto BOD and microbial level
  • The study has helped in developing pollution indicators and augmentative strategies
  • Six urban wastewater treatment systems have been successfully studied
  • It is necessary to upgrade all wastewater treatment systems to the tertiary level
Further recommendations for the quality of reclaimed water, measures to protect public health, operational control and maintenance, effective sampling and monitoring, sampling strategy, and for improving microbiological quality status of surface water resources are also detailed.
A copy of the entire report can be downloaded from below:
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