
The Schools Water Portal is a collaborative effort bringing together knowledge, information, and perspectives from numerous sources and with help from many organizations and individuals.



Student Contributors




Organizations: The following organizations made significant contributions to the Schools Water Portal:

  • The National Knowledge Commission has been a strong proponent of the idea of knowledge portals and has supported the creation of the water portal in English and regional languages.
  • The Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, has partnered this effort by providing details of student projects, especially those showcased at the National Children’s Science Congress organized by the National Council for Science and Technology Communication (NCSTC). We express our appreciation for their support.
  • Centre for Environment Education: has shared a wealth of information in the form of activities, case studies, information sheets and project ideas. They have also created special puzzles, quizzes and games for the portal that add to the fun quotient of the portal. We would especial like to thank Sukhprit Kaur of the Bangalore centre of CEE, who coordinated this entire effort.
  • Maraa: created play scripts and jingles on specific water themes that would interest young people. Important messages can be conveyed through these powerful mediums of learning. Ekta, Ramnath Bhat and Deepak Srinivasan were the key people who made this happen.
  • eGovernments Foundation, Bangalore is a not-for-profit trust that provides Municipal eGovernance systems to improve the functioning of City Municipalities. eGovernments Foundation is the main technology partner in the creation and maintenance of Schools Water Portal.
  • The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) has shared some of the quiz questions that have appeared in past editions of the ‘Green Olympiad and Terraquiz’.
  • The Water School: The idea for our logo originated from the logo of the Water School, Canada. We thank them for sharing it with us. The Water School is a non-profit venture that is committed to providing children across the world safe drinking water through solar water disinfection.

Individuals: The following individuals contributed to the portal and we appreciate their valuable support:

  • Thara Thomas: for creating the drawings and images and designing the fabulous presentations on the portal.
  • H S Radha: for the interesting stories on the rivers and water bodies.
  • Divakar: for transcribing volumes without the slightest error
  • Meera Rajesh: for the presentation on 'Rainforests of the ocean - Coral Reefs'
  • Saurabh Phadke: for the thought provoking presentations 'Angry Young Bottle' and 'Cob Loo'
  • Mr Vinod Kumar: Senior Software Specialist, CDAC, Mumbai for projects on Measurement of Air Space in Soil & Measurement of Water Infiltration Rates for Soil   

Important student contributors: 

  • Vasudevan Srisailan: A second year MCA student studying in Bangalore for the hydroelectric power generator model.

  • Eva Johnson: A X Grade student from the Watershed School at Boulder, Colorado, USA for the working model of a solar still.

  • K V Balagopal: A Std XI student from National Public School, Indiranagar, Bangalore, for some of the interesting questions you see in the quiz database.

  • Neha Rathi: A Std XII student from TISB, Bangalore for immense assistance in finding bugs in the initial stages of portal launch, for helping redesign some power point presentations and for creating an excellent presentation on Climate change and its impact on water resources.

  • Shruti Ramesh: A Std IX student of Kendriya Vidyalaya, Hebbal, Bangalore, for a presentation on 'Water Resources' and the good practices implemented in their school.
  • Richa Kaul: A X Grade student from Westford, USA for compiling interesting trivia on rivers as well as devising some fun classroom games 

Important teacher contributors:

Teachers are the prime movers for any good water management or awareness programme in a school. Our special thanks to:- 

Ms T V Uma: Kendriya Vidyalaya, NAL, Bangalore, for initiating the first forum discussion on the Schools Water Portal

Important contributions from Schools:

We would like to mention a special word of thanks to the teachers and managements of Sishugriha School, Innisfree House School and National Public School – CMR, Bangalore, for spending time and helping us with the needs assessment. Their valuable inputs got us started on this portal.


Kendriya Vidyalaya, Hebbal, Bangalore: for sharing the good work that they have been doing on water conservation and awareness. A special mention of appreciation to Ms Kamakshi Suresh and Ms Radha, the teachers driving the effort in the school.

Kendriya Vidyalaya, Thrissur: for sharing the excellent project on Water Management done by Std V students. A special mention of appreciation to Ms Suma Harishankar - teacher, guide and mentor for the project.

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