Padmashri Dr. Suman Sahai comes to New Delhi to talk about food security in the context of climate change

Article courtesy: Delhi Events
Author: Rohit Malik
Place:  Gothe Institut, New Delhi
According to climate modelling data, climate change is slated to have its worst impacts on Africa and South Asia where food production potential could be severely compromised. India, home to the largest number of hungry people in the world must respond quickly to these challenges especially in its dryland areas and ensure that enough food continues to be produced. 
The talk will cover what the impacts of climate change are likely to be and how to minimise these in order to ensure food security.
Dr. Suman Sahai, who has had a distinguished scientific career in the field of genetics, was honoured with the Padma Shri in 2011. She organized Gene Campaign, a non-governmental organization dedicated to protecting farmers’ rights and food and livelihood security. She was appointed Knight of the Golden Ark (Netherlands) in 2001 for establishing Gene Campaign and generating awareness about issues related to genetic resources and trade.
Gene Campaign, which has played a key role in formulating India’s Farmers’ Rights law, has been at the forefront of generating awareness on issues relating to trade, intellectual property rights, genetic resources conservation and sustainable use, as well as genetic engineering and agriculture biotechnology.
Dr. Sahai has been working both at the grassroots and policy levels, with great dedication and considerable impact. She chaired the Planning Commission Task Force on ‘Agro biodiversity and Genetically Engineered Organisms’, for the Eleventh Plan. 
The lecture will be chaired by Ambassador Satinder K. Lambah, President FIGSI.

