Ozone - The protector of life on earth

आधुनिक विज्ञा के अनुसार सृष्टि के आरम्भ ,में पृथ्वी पर ओज़ोन आवरण नही था. धीरे धीरे जबय्ह आवरण बना तब इस के पश्चात हीपृथ्वी पर जीवन सम्भव हो सका. इस आवरण कोबनाए रखने के लिए वन सम्पदा पेड़ों इत्यादि का सब से महत्व पूर्ण दायित्व है. आश्चर्य होगा कि इस बात को ऋग्वेद में राजा के प्रजा के कर्तव्यों में प्राथमिकता दे कर कैसे बताया है. कृपया स्वयं देखिये.(यह लेख मैंने अंग्रेज़ी मे लिखा था)

Rigveda 2-14 (STAFF FUNCTIONS)

1.Creation of excellent education system to provide the society with self motivated ,creative talent for its all round welfare and progress.

  • अध्वर्यवो भरतेन्द्राय सोममात्रेभि: सिंन्चता मद्यमंध: !  

कामी हि वीर: सदमस्य पीतिं जुहोत वृष्णे तदिदेष वष्टि. !!, ऋग्वेद 2/14/1

महर्षि दयानन्द भाष्य:

हे(अध्वर्यव:) अपने को यज्ञ कर्मों की चाहना करने वाले मनुष्यो

O Managers (Adhvayavo)! Provide (Sinchata) for Entrepreneurship (Indraya) sufficient (Bharat) knowledge (Somam) and exhilarating (Maddham) resource- that motivates one in single minded pursuit like a blind person- (Andhah) from well cultivated -filled vessels- resources stores (Amatrabhi).

That (Asya=Indra=Entrepreneurship) is empowered (Veerah) and always (Sadam) having a temperament of being desirous (Kami) of consumption (Peetim)

(of Soma=knowledge & Maddham anna= exhilarating resource). by performing action -Yajna (Juhota) to this provider of benefits (Vrashne) by the active persons. These -benefits- (Eshah) he (Entrepreneur=Indra) desired (Vashti).

Adhvaryus should provide good appropriate Soma - knowledge and technology in good measure for the Indras for self motivation of individuals to ensure achievement of abundance and prosperity, by good nutrition, health and peace for the land and those living off it. Adhvaryus - Govt./Establishment should create knowledge institutions to develop Motivated , creative minds and mental attitudes by creating and developing knowledge enabling institutions, schools, colleges for education , training of students and teachers.

  • Create systems for natural rain water harvesting and Optimum 

Utilization of water resources

2. अध्वर्यवो यो अपो वव्रिवांसं वृत्रं जघानाशन्येव वृक्षम् !

तस्मा एतं भरत तद्वशायँ एष इन्द्रो अर्हति पीतिमस्य !! ऋग्वेद 2/14/2

Harness those waters of rains, which are released by the actions of lightening, that strikes the trees and sets them on fire. Thus work for the creation of bounties of fertilized soil by rich biomass feeds and prosperity of vegetation, as the gifts provided by Indra. (All the futuristic strategies are for conservation of our water resources. Rain water harvesting is the most significant item on not only Global level, but is of utmost importance for India, particularly, when it is realized that the total water requirements of entire India are just about 5% of the total rain fall in our coastal regions. And almost 100% of that rainfall just flows in to the sea.)

3. Veda here is referring to calamities like the recent Tsunami. By saying that Tsunamis are caused by holes in the worn out garment cover in the space, Veda is clearly making a reference to the holes in the Ozone layer

(According to modern science during the period of formation of Earth’s History, intense volcanic activity was producing oxygen by releasing it from Earth’s interior. In the primordial soup, ancient blue green algae lived by photosynthesis, and also produced Oxygen. Over the course of perhaps three billion years, the Oxygen produced by algae and the Oxygen spewed by the volcanoes changed the Earth’s atmosphere , creating an Oxygen blanket that allowed higher life forms to evolve from germs. Oxygen in upper atmosphere came in contact with UV (Ultra Violet) Rays and electrical discharges. This converted Oxygen in upper atmosphere in to ozone that can more strongly absorb UV rays. In this way Earth’s Ozone layer was formed. If land dwelling organisms had to face the full force of Sun’s UV rays, all life on Earth would have eventually destroyed. This Ozone layer in the upper atmosphere prevents this by acting as a protective shield.)*

Earth's Atmosphere

The total global environment consists of four major realms: a gaseous atmosphere, liquid hydrosphere, solid lithosphere, and living biosphere. From space, Earth's atmosphere looks like a thin blue veil. (10k jpeg) This fragile, nearly transparent envelope of gases supplies the air that we breathe each day. It also regulates the global temperature and filters out dangerous levels of solar radiation. In recent years, scientific research has shown that the chemical composition of the atmosphere is changing because of both natural and human induced causes. There is growing concern over the impact of human activities. Mankind may be increasing levels of heat absorbing gases, thereby contributing to global warming and destroying ozone, the fragile atmospheric ingredient that shields the planet from ultraviolet (UV) radiation.

Ozone and the Atmosphere

Earth is an extraordinary planet. Complex interactions between the land, oceans, and atmosphere created conditions that are favorable for life. One species, man, has managed to alter the environment on a global scale. In order to fully comprehend the impact of our actions, we must view the planet as a whole and understand the relationship between its basic components; land, water, and air. This web site discusses the chemical composition and evolution of Earth's atmosphere, focusing on the protective layer of ozone in the stratosphere. The destructive properties of troposphere ozone are also presented. Diagrams and animation sequences are used to visually depict the delicate structure of the ozone molecule and the chemical reactions involved in its formation and destruction. Ozone destroying pollutants were first identified in 1973.Since that time there has been a considerable amount of controversy surrounding the subject of ozone depletion. More than 20 years of ozone-related scientific studies, international meetings, and global industrial agreements are summarized in the last section of this site.

Historical Atmosphere

Earth is believed to have formed about 5 billion years ago. In the first 500 million years a dense atmosphere emerged from the vapor and gases that were expelled during degassing of the planet's interior. These gases may have consisted of hydrogen (H2), water vapor, methane (CH4), and carbon oxides. Prior to 3.5 billion years ago the atmosphere probably consisted of carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO), water (H2O), nitrogen (N2), and hydrogen.

The hydrosphere was formed 4 billion years ago from the condensation of water vapor, resulting in oceans of water in which sedimentation occurred.

The most important feature of the ancient environment was the absence of free oxygen. Evidence of such an anaerobic reducing atmosphere is hidden in early rock formations that contain many elements, such as iron and uranium, in their reduced states. Elements in this state are not found in the rocks of mid-Precambrian and younger ages, less than 3 billion years old

Formation of the Ozone Layer

One billion years ago, early aquatic organisms called blue-green algae began using energy from the Sun to split molecules of H2O and CO2 and recombine them into organic compounds and molecular oxygen (O2).This solar energy conversion process is known as photosynthesis. Some of the photo synthetically created oxygen combined with organic carbon to recreate CO2 molecules. The remaining oxygen accumulated in the atmosphere, touching off a massive ecological disaster with respect to early existing anaerobic organisms.As oxygen in the atmosphere increased, CO2 decreased.

High in the atmosphere, some oxygen (O2) molecules absorbed energy from the Sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays and split to form single oxygen atoms. These atoms combined (27k jpeg) with remaining oxygen (O2) to form ozone (O3) molecules, which are very effective at absorbing UV rays. The thin layer of ozone that surrounds Earth acts as a shield, protecting the planet from irradiation by UV light.

The amount of ozone required to shield Earth from biologically lethal UV radiation, wavelengths from 200 to 300 nanometers (nm), is believed to have been in existence 600 million years ago. At this time, the oxygen level was approximately 10% of its present atmospheric concentration. Prior to this period, life was restricted to the ocean. The presence of ozone enabled organisms to develop and live on the land. Ozone played a significant role in the evolution of life on Earth, and allows life as we presently know it to exist.

Present Day Atmosphere

The atmosphere we breathe is a relatively stable mixture of several hundred types of gases from different origins. This gaseous envelope surrounds the planet and revolves with it. It has a mass of about 5.15 x 10E15 tons held to the planet by gravitational attraction. The proportions of gases, excluding water vapor, are nearly uniform up to approximately 80 kilometers (km) above Earth's surface. The major components of this region, by volume, are oxygen (21%), nitrogen (78%), and argon (0.93%).Small amounts of other gases are also present. These remaining trace gases exist in such small quantities that they are measured in terms of a mixing ratio. This ratio is defined as the number of molecules of the trace gas divided by the total number of molecules present in the volume sampled. For example, O3, CO2, and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are measured in parts per million by volume (ppmv), parts per billion by volume (ppbv) or parts per trillion by volume (pptv). Atmospheric temperature and chemistry are believed to be controlled by the trace gases.There is increasing evidence that the percentages of environmentally significant trace gases are changing because of both natural and human factors. Examples of man-made gases are the chlorofluorocarbons CFC-11 and CFC-12 and halons. Carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, and methane (CH4) are produced by the burning of fossil fuels, expelled from living and dead biomass, and released by the metabolic processes of microorganisms in the soil, wetlands, and oceans of our planet.

* Quoted thankfully from “the secret life of GERMS” by Philip M. Tierno)

3. अध्वर्यवो यो दृभीकं जघान यो गा उदाजदप हि बलं व: ! तस्मा एतमन्तरिक्षे ना वात्मिन्द्रं सोमैरोर्णुत जूर्न वस्त्रै: !! ऋग्वेद 2/14/3 Exercise control over natural calamities like the violent storms, which with immense forces, play havocs like demons tossing all cattle and life in to air and smashing on to the ground, which cause great upheavals by disrupting life and property. These are brought about by the holes in the protective garment, which covers the earth in the space. These holes are like holes in a worn out old garment. Heal and repair the holes in the covering, by actions of rain making clouds and atmosphere helped by green vegetation and herbs by grace of Indra.

4.Veda is clearly referring to the green house gases causing the damage to Ozone layer.

नव चख्वांसं नवतिं . अध्वर्यवो य उरणं जघान च बाहून् ! यो अर्बुदमव नीचा बबाधे तमिन्द्रं सोमस्य भृथे हिनोत !! ऋग्वेद 2/14/4 This protective garment is like the fleece of a sheep. There are trillions of hands on the ground, which supports the actions to prevent damage to this garment (in the space) and to keep it in good repair like new. These trillions of hands- the green cover on ground- churns the environments with lightening and greenery to disarm the attackers of the fleece like protective cover. Like a good leader of armies, motivate these 'GREEN' actions on the lands to bring prosperity to all. (The scientific evidence clearly indicates that reduced green cover causes increased levels of carbon dioxide in our air are enhancing the global greenhouse effect and throwing the Earth's energy equation out of balance. That means more energy for storms in all seasons, for more extreme weather, for more droughts and floods, for changing climate patterns. We're heading into uncharted territory and we need to reverse course and bring CO2 back to 350 ppm or our children and grandchildren will scorn our selfish stupidity. It is long past time for us to take action.)

5 Take care of the corrupt & black marketers to eradicate poverty and prevent famines and starvation deaths.

 अध्वर्यवो य: स्वश्नं जघान य:शुष्णमशुषं यो व्यसम् ! य: पिप्रं नमुचिं यो रुधिक्रां तस्मा इंन्द्रायांधसो जुहोत् !! ऋग्वेद 2/14/5 Oh men desirous of positive roles, deal like the sun, which hunts down even the beautiful clouds to shed the rains, which wet the earth to disarm the enemies like draught, by bringing wetness. With pipram पिप्रं the selfish ones' who only fill their own belly, the namuchiनमुची being those who should never be pardoned, by rudhikra रुधिक्रा the stern law enforcement agency should deal sternly to ensure equitable justice food and nutrition for all.

6. The action against the black sheep in the society has to proceed in a similar manner, on war footing

अध्वर्यवो य: शतं शम्बरस्य पुरो बिभेदाश्मनेव पूर्वी: ! यो वर्चिन: शतमिन्द्र: सहस्रमपा वपद्भरता सोमस्मै !! ऋग्वेद 2/14/6 Like the mobilization on war footing, when the clouds were destroyed to smithereens of rain drops by the forces of Indra to bring bounties of plenty to the people, get activated to restore the earlier prosperity, of abundance for all.

7. Food Safety and Security (This is a very clear directive on what the modern agriculture science is involved with, Organic agriculture, better Seeds & IPM- Integrated pest management)

अध्वर्यवो य: शतमा सहस्रं भूम्या उपस्थेअवपज्जघन्वान् ! कुत्सस्यारतिथिग्वस्य वीरान्यवृणग्भरता सोममस्मै !! ऋग्वेद 2/14/7 Along with the innumerable crops being cultivated by the farmers for feeding the nation, the guests and dependents, innumerable enemies in the form of weeds, pests, etc also get in to the land. The Adhwaryus should work on sustainable herbal remedies to help the growth of agriculture crops.

8. Clear directive on the role of media not to give premature publicity to mere conjectures, and contribute towards the development of healthy debate and discussions 8. अध्वर्यवो यन्नर: कामयाध्वे श्रुष्टी वहन्तो नशथा तदिन्द्रे ! गभस्तिपूतं भरत श्रुतायेन्द्राय सोमं यज्यवो जुहोत !! ऋग्वेद 2/14./

For the leaders and persons holding senior policy making responsibilities, when some strategies for public good are being contemplated, the deliberations should be held confidential, till they are totally worked out. It is only for the well thought out plans to be made available for general public to debate and consider sustainability. 9. Waste water treatment strategy by root zone treatment, and energy crops similar to what NASA scientists have proposed

9. अध्वर्यवो कत्तर्ना श्रुष्टिमस्मै वने निपूतं वन उन्नयध्वम् ! जुषाणो हस्त्यमभि वावशे वा इन्द्राया सोमं मदिरं जुहोत !! ऋग्वेद 2/14/9 It is for the technically knowledgeable community and the establishment to decide and implement, the handling of sewage, pollution and foul smell creating situations, by using natural vegetative filtration and the winning of the desirable components out of the system by the strategy of using wetlands and lagoons, for making the waste disposal a pleasant, acceptable and sustainable activity.

10. This mantra gives a Futuristic strategy for researches in Biotechnology by exploring probiotics and prebiotics.

अध्वर्यव: पयसोधर्यथा गो: सोमेभिरीं पृणता भोजमिन्द्रम् ! वेदाहमस्य निभृतं मा एतद्दित्सन्तं भूयो यजतश्चिकेत !! ऋग्वेद 2/14/10 It is a subject of continuous study to learn from the processes taking place in a cow and her udders, how while feeding on herbal greens and water, she provides the immensely medicinally, nutritionally beneficial milk for the humanity.

11. Clear role of society and media for the development of transparency and proper mental attitudes in society is stressed in this mantra

अध्वर्यवो यो दिव्यस्य वस्वो य: पार्थिवस्य क्षम्यस्य राजा ! तमूर्दरं न पृणता यवेनेन्द्र सोमेभिस्तदपो वो अस्तु !! ऋग्वेद 2/14/11 It is the responsibility of the establishment to allow the wealth created in the nation by transparently open like in broad day light, methods of earning, such as from nature's resources like agriculture. Promote in the society the mental attitudes, for acceptance of only this mode of honest livelihood.

12. Immense bounties of nature always flow on us for welfare health and wealth of all, by the continuous pursuits of knowledge based transparent activities by our well-meaning gifted people.

अस्मभ्यं तद्वसो दानाया राध: समर्थयस्य बहु ते वसव्यम् ! इन्द्र यच्चित्रं श्रवस्या अनु द्यूंबृहद्वदेम विदथे सुवीरा: !! ऋग्वेद 2/14/12 It is for paucity of space that the detailed method and reasoning to arrive at the above Vedic interpretations have not been provided here.
