Opportunity: Opening for CEO in a start-up on affordable nano technology based bio-toilets

Thakar Equipment Company, New Delhi (TECO) is looking for a CEO for its Start-up initiative on affordable bio and nano technology based pre fabricated ready to assemble at site toilets. The company has a protoype in use since April 2015. Twenty more units are in use in Rajasthan since September 2015. 

Job description
The CEO is to lead a team to deploy 3000 toilets in a 50 km radius around Delhi within 6 months for a limited pilot. The feedback from the pilot will help  create a  sustainable business to achieve a supply of 200,000 toilets  to a market in a 300 km radius from Delhi over a 5 year span.
1. Building a  cross-functional team including, but not limited to, Design and Production, QA, Sales and Marketing, Accounts, HR, Liasion and PR; Product Acceptability Audit, Compliance
2. Creating partnerships with funding organisations. NGOs, Government agencies and CSR divisions of Corporate India
3. Identifying and appointing vendors for different parts and components, logistics
4. Compliance with legal requirements.
7-10 years of experience in senior positions with exposure  to rural markets in Northern India in automobiles, consumer durable goods or farming equipment. Preference for individuals with marketing and finance background with an ability to build a passionate team in a start-up environment for an important cause. 
Email - msthakar@gmail.com


Post By: iwpsuperadmin