Nominations invited for Innovations in Services for Urban Poor Awards, 2010

Innovations in services for Urban poor awardsInnovations in services for Urban poor awards

Greetings for the New Year 2010, from India Urban Space Foundation!!

Social entrepreneurs are taking on new challenges in leading path-breaking social innovations. As a befitting tribute to the spirit of such leadership, India Urban Space Foundation launches ‘Innovations in Services for Urban Poor Awards Program’. If your organisation is one amongst these pioneers, this program seeks out for you!Innovations in services for Urban poor awards

In partnership with Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India and with support from The World Bank – SIDA Partnership, and a host of other Government and non-Government apex and network organisations, we embark on this program to identify, recognise, and reward the best innovations in reaching out and impacting the lives of the burgeoning mass of urban poor.

We seek nominations from Government, entrepreneurs – small and large, NGOs and CBOs; of successful experiments in dealing with problems confronted by the urban poor in – Water and Sanitation; Housing; Urban Mobility; Livelihoods; Primary Education and Preventive Healthcare.

Innovations in services for Urban poor awardsSustainability; Linkage with mandate of civic agencies; and Integrating individual and community interest – are the three cornerstones of innovation; around which our eminent Jury panel will evaluate the nominations.

Apart from national recognition, the Awardees will receive a citation and a handsome cash reward. The program will also open new doors to the awardees – linkages with funders, financial institutions and venture funds; opportunities to impact policies and large urban programs; linkages with market players for upstream / downstream activities; access to panel of expert mentors; et al.

For more information on this program, and guidance to submit your nomination, please see enclosed e-brochure and visit –

Innovations in services for Urban poor awards

Innovations in services for Urban poor awards




Forwarded to the portal by: Hemanth M, India Urban Space Foundation

Post By: iwp