New book - "Governance of Water"

Edited by VISHWA BALLABH, Xavier Labour Relations Institute, Jamshedpur, Governance of Water: Institutional Alternatives and Political Economy is a timely, relevant book that makes a case for reforming water governance in India through not only re-orientating policy priorities and approaches, but also restructuring the institutional framework away from the state and village dichotomy. The book has eminent scholars explore the issue from various angles ”neo-classical and institutional economics, deliberative democracy, public administration, collective action and political economy perspectives. The book argues that a possible link between the larger structure of the economy and the transaction costs in water governance, as well as relations with the democratic polity as it actually functions, need to be understood clearly; the research on the transformation of water governance requires in-depth analysis to make the process more transparent, participatory and accountable to the larger society. More details:

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