New and improved WSSCC website

Article and Image Courtesy: Water supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council

Sit Down: WSSCC has big news!

We are pleased to announce the new and improved, your entry point into the online world of the Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council.
A massive refurbishment - in contents, looks and functionality - makes a great place for wsscc members and other sanitation, hygiene and water supply professionals to learn, network, advocate and work on behalf of the 2.6 billion people without safe sanitation and the millions without good drinking water.

Site Highlights Include:

  • Cutting-edge information on 30+ WASH-related topics
  • Details on WSSCC's in-country work through its coalitions and the Global Sanitation Fund
  • User-contributed sanitation, hygiene and water supply success stories
  • A powerful, contextual search engine and access to our experts
  • Member's-only area with discussion forums, key documents and networking/search functions
  • Online advocacy resources
  • Publications and other resources in English, French and Spanish
Post By: iwpsuperadmin