National workshop on water and sanitation for the urban poor by WaterAid, UN-Habitat and Government of Madhya Pradesh

Forwarded to the Portal by: Binu M. Nair, WaterAid WaterAid, UN-HABITAT and Government of Madhya Pradesh are organizing a three day National Workshop on Water and Sanitation for the Urban Poor in Bhopal from 5 to 7 March 2009. Slum population has doubled in India but their access to basic facilities like water and sanitation has not shown any progress. Over 100 experts from across the country assemble in Bhopal to fix this problem. India is urbanizing very fast and along with this, the slum population is also increasing. India's urban population is increasing at a faster rate than its total population. With over 575 million people, India will have 41% of its population living in cities and towns by 2030 AD from the present level of 286 million and 28%. However, most of them are not having basic facilities like drinking water and sanitation. This growing slum population and the lack of basic facilities will badly impact on India's overall target achievement in water and sanitation sector. Searching for solutions: Over 100 experts from water and sanitation sector are coming together in Bhopal to discuss existing issues and challenges in providing water and sanitation services in urban areas. The deliberation and recommendation of the workshop will influence the ongoing and upcoming urban reform initiatives that will lead to better provision of services for the urban poor. For more information & to download the Press Release click here: Bhopal Workshop Press Release
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