National seminar on increasing water efficiency in agricultural sector

Press release from CII


More Crop per drop: Need of Agriculture today

“The challenge of managing our water resources in a rational and sustainable manner will require action on many fronts and coordination across different sectors of the economy” said Mr. A K Bajaj, Chairman, Central Water Commission and Ex-Officio Secretary to the Government of India, at the inaugural session of the National Seminar on Increasing Water Efficiency in Agriculture Sector organized by CII. Setting the tone of the deliberations he particularly emphasized on the need to address the complex issue through collaborative efforts of the industry and the Government.

Speaking at the seminar Mr. G C Pati Additional Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India, stressed that the water-related issues need to be addressed with the full involvement of the local communities and take into account specific local conditions and concerns. Further he said “farmers as principal stakeholders should be consulted in any agricultural water management initiatives”.

“Expansion of irrigation and improvement in irrigation efficiency are the key not only to improving agricultural productivity but also to our strategy for sustainable water use. There has to be a greater synergy between our agricultural policies and our water policies with a view to securing food supply, especially to the poor and vulnerable sections of the population, through more efficient and sustainable use of scarce water resources” remarked Mr. Mr Anil B Jain Managing Director, Jain Irrigation Systems Ltd.

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