Naini Tissues Ltd, Uttarakhand, undertakes effort for water management as a corporate initiative (2007)

This presentation provides information on the efforts undertaken by Naini Tissues Uttarakhand, at water conservation. This company, which manufactures writing and printing grade paper, has achieved the best process and utility parameters among plants of its kind.

The spectrum of water conservation and related environmental measures includes using eco-friendly material like bagasse and wheat straw instead of wood pulp as 94% of its basic input, bringing about efficiencies in wet washing systems, installing a high caliber waste water treatment plant, a Saveall for back water clarification and reuse, partially replacing water with black liquor for caustic dilution and utilizing foul condensate for unbleached pulp washing.

Specific water consumption has come down from 92 cu m/MT (May 2005) to 69 cum/MT (2006-'07) and waste water discharge from 70.23 cu m/MT (2005-'06) to 42.17 (2006-'07). Among other interesting measures is the installation of water meters on not just the water lines but the borewells as well, for monitoring and reporting purpose.

For details of the efforts undertaken, please download the presentation from below:


Post By: Rama Mani