Modeling of Cochin estuary using two dimensional finite element model – A research report by National Institute of Hydrology

The report deals with the modeling of the Cochin estuary along Kerala coast using two- dimensional finite element model. The basic equations for modeling of any surface water problems are the three dimensional hydrodynamic equations arising from consideration of mass and momentum conservation. In vertically well mixed shallow water bodies, the horizontal components of flow quantities are normally much more significant than vertical components.

In such cases, vertically integrated form of the hydrodynamic equation or shallow water equation can be employed efficiently. These are two dimensional dynamic equation of motion and the unsteady continuity equation. Shallow rivers, flood plains, estuaries and harbours are examples where shallow water equation can be employed.

The study of circulation pattern in estuaries and coastal deltas, where tidal and wind action are predominant is essential for understanding the various processes taking place within the system. A two-dimensional finite element mode, FESWMS-2DH, developed by USGS, is used in this study to simulate the hydrodynamics of the Cochin estuary.

Calibration has been done using pre-monsoon tide data and the current velocity measured at eleven observation points within the estuary. Model parameters like roughness coefficient and eddy viscosity have been adjusted to simulate the practical scenario. The calibrated model is used to simulate the hydrodynamics of the estuary for pre-monsoon and post-monsoon tides and the results are positive. 

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Post By: rajshekar