Ministry of agriculture implements Uttaranchal decentralised watershed development project (1999 – 2005)

The Uttaranchal decentralised watershed development project was being implemented (1999 – 2005) with World Bank assistance in the state. In Uttaranchal for enhancing productivity and provide food security to these rainfed areas, comprehensive watershed development approach to conserve soil and water resources and improve the dry land crops is one of the most viable solution. Under the Uttaranchal decentralised watershed development project 0.04 mha area has been treated. This has resulted in an increase in agriculture, floriculture, horticulture, animal husbandry, increase in irrigation through water harvesting structures, tank, and minor irrigation. 

Looking at the successful implementation of earlier projects and experiences learnt, the Uttaranchal decentralised watershed development project has been launched in September, 2004. The project aims to improve productive potential of natural resources and increase incomes of rural inhabitants in selected watersheds through socially inclusive, institutionally and environmentally sustainable approaches. The total cost is US$ 89.35million (World Bank Assistance of US$ 69.62 million) for a period of 8 years and it is targeted to develop 1m ha area.

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Post By: Rama Mani