Maintenance of rainwater harvesting systems

 Maintenance Frequency
 Roof  Wash off roof with water when dust/dirt accumulates diverting runoff way from tank inlet.  Monthly and especially after a long period of dry weather or heavy wind.
   Sweep off leaf litter  Regularly, especially after heavy winds and just before the rains set in. Check daily for leaf litter accumulation during rainy season
   Trim and cut trees around roof   
 When required
   Fix damage to roof (broken tiles, cracked water-proofing etc.)  At the earliest and definitely before the rainy season
   Paint if rust is present using lead-free paint  At the earliest and definitely before the rainy season
 Gutters and Downpipe  Clean and wash out bird droppings, leaves etc., with water  Check monthly and especially after a long period of dry weather or heavy wind. Check daily during rainy season
   Check and repair gutters and downtake pipes  When required
   Ensure guttering / downtake pipes are sloped to ensure steady flow and avoid pooling of water, collection of dirt, debris, etc   
 During installation and after periods of heavy rain
   Repair leaks at elbows  When required
 Clean  Before and after rainy season
 First flush devices  Check and clean   
 Before and after the rainy season and after every rooftop cleaning session
 Clean     Before and after rainy season
   Repair leaks   
 At the earliest
   Cut nearby tree roots (if underground tank)  At the earliest
   Ensure lid is sturdy and secure  At all times
       Ensure there are no gaps where insects can enter or exit   

 At all times
       Securely fasten insect screen over the end of the overflow pipe/valve  

At all times



Source: Rainwater Harvesting - Trainers’ Manual published by Karnataka Urban Infrastructure Development and Finance Corporation

Post By: iwpsuperadmin