Maharashtra water resources regulatory authority act (2005) and procedure for regulation and enforcement of entitlements (2007)

Maharashtra water resources regulatory authority act (2005):  

The act to provide for the establishment of the Maharashtra water resources regulatory authority aims to regulate water resources within the state of Maharashtra, facilitate and ensure judicious, equitable and sustainable management, allocation and utilisation of water resources and fix the rates for use of water for agriculture, industrial, drinking and other purposes. 

The authority shall exercise the following powers and perform the following functions, namely- 

  • to determine the distribution of Entitlements for various Categories of Use and the equitable distribution of Entitlements of water within each Category of Use on such terms and conditions as may be prescribed; 
  • to enforce the decision or orders issued under this Act; 
  • to determine the priority of equitable distribution of water available at the water resource project, sub-basin and river basin levels during periods of scarcity; 
  • to establish a water tariff system, and to fix the criteria for water charges at sub-basin, river basin and State level after ascertaining the views of the beneficiary public, based on the principle that the water charges shall reflect the full recovery of the cost of the irrigation management, administration, operation and maintenance of water resources project ; 
  • to administer and manage interstate water resources apportionment on river systems, of the State; 
  • to review and clear water resources projects proposed at the sub-basin and river basin level to ensure that a proposal is in conformity with Integrated State Water Plan and also with regard to the economic, hydrologic and environmental viability and where relevant, on the State’s obligations under Tribunals, Agreements, or Decrees involving interstate entitlements.  

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Maharashtra water resources regulatory authority - procedure for regulation and enforcement of entitlements (2007): 

This document sketches out the procedure for regulation and enforcement of entitlements by the Maharashtra Water Resources Regulatory Authority. As per the MWRRA Act (2005), the Authority is to determine the distribution of Entitlements for various Categories of Use and the equitable distribution of Entitlements of water within each Category of Use. 

It is required to establish a system of enforcement, monitoring and measurement of the Entitlement for the use of water to ensure that the actual use of water both, in quantity and type of use, are in compliance with the Entitlements as issued by the Authority. 

The technical manual for fixing, regulating and enforcing the Entitlements in Irrigation Projects (pilot basis) issued by MWRRA in 2007 requires the Authority to identify one officer in each project at an appropriate level to test check on delivery of Entitlements and sign in the gauge register in token of confirmation of delivery of due supplies. 

The Regulator on the recommendation of WRD, will be so designated by the Authority through written orders to monitor on behalf of the Authority the enforcement of Entitlements in any project. He should not be directly connected with the project, he is to monitor but will be from another project in the vicinity. The Regulator will discharge the following powers & functions -

  • Directly report to the Authority in so far as monitoring of Entitlement is concerned; 
  • Continue to be on the rolls of the project he is posted for purposes of pay and other allowances;
  • Check whether the measuring device (MD) is properly installed without leakages from sides and at entry & exit points;
  • Ensure that the calibration chart for MD is available with WRD staff and the WUA; and
  • Ensure compliance with instructions for calibration given in the Technical Manual. 

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Post By: rajshekar