Listing of online water communities -Input required

We are starting a listing of water online groups / mailing lists. The first few are below, we request you to add comments with more listings, so that we can have a comprehensive listing.

=== On an earlier blog posting, C.P.Kumar of the National Institute of Hydrology posted an extensive collection of links and egroups on Hydrology:

=== "Ecological Sanitation in South Asia" is a recently started group for Ecosan adopters in South Asia

==="Ecosanres" : An international community on Ecological Sanitation. Quoting from the description: Discussion and news within the Sida-sponsored EcoSanRes Programme managed by the Stockholm Environment Institute. Topical discussions dealing with various aspects of sustainable sanitation, the ecosan loop - hygiene, agriculture, sanitation, environment, policy, methodology, training, knowledge networks, regional activities, social acceptance, etc.

=== Solution Exchange is a UN initiative for peer sharing of experience and resources. There are various communities, including a water community

=== WaterWatch: Large audience high traffic group following water issues primarily in India and South Asia:

=== WES-Net is a network of water and sanitation professionals in India

=== Network of Indian River Basin Initiatives

==== Uttarakhand River Action Network, recently formed as part of the Uttarakhand Nadi Bachao Andolan

====COMBAT CLIMATE CHANGE NETWORK, ORISSA (CCCN) is to give MASS & Water Initiatives Orissa(WIO) climate change initiatives a working shape. They have been warning of severe impacts of climate change on Orissa, the poorest state of India, for about a decade now. Access group invitation here: kLw_aD-lh40XiPZ&hl=en

Water-efficient sugarcane production. Practices related to sugarcane, are being broadly termed as Sustainable Sugarcane Initiatives (SSI), and the methods are similar to SRI (System of Rice Intensification) as practised with paddy. There is a google group:

Post By: iwp