Learning package for hydrology – A report by National Institute of Hydrology

The report emphasizes the necessity of Computer Aided Learning and presents a Learning Package on Hydrology covering various important elements of hydrology including the definitions and figures in a simple and straight forward language.

The user can read the document in a non-sequential way just by clicking the mouse on the hyperlinks provided on the software at important points. The user can move backwards and it is not necessary to follow a common path for forward and backward reading. When the hyperlink is selected by clicking it, the related information is automatically displayed on the screen.

In this package it is assumed that the learner has already been exposed to courses in physics and chemistry related to water, hydraulics, environmental sciences, mathematics and computations. The hydrological cycle along with the physical processes including elementary methods to analyze the processes involved in various subsystems of the cycle has been stressed. The main topics covered are introduction, precipitation, abstraction from precipitation, streamflow measurement, runoff, hydrograph, floods, flood routing and groundwater.

It can be a beginner course for learning the subject of hydrology as well as a reference book for a hydrologist.  With the popularity of internet, it can be installed on a server in a website, so that the learner from any part of the globe can access it on their computers. The package can help in distance learning.

Download the report here:


Post By: Rama Mani