A leaky tap in a water consultant's bathroom

Its been three weeks since I moved into my new rented apartment. It's a classic situation in which I am caught up in. I am a consultant working on "SUSTAINABLE WATER solutions", but I hardly have control on a leaky tap in my bath room. This leaky tap can fill up a bucket of water in a period of 2 hours. The capacity of my bucket will be around 30 liters. Therefore in a day I contribute to a waste around 360 liters of water. You can calculate how much in a year woud be!!

Image of a leaky tap

It is very convenient for me to say that the house owner would not change the tap, after hundreads of reminders. I can also give an excuse that I cannot change the tap as I am a tenant and not the owner of the house. I have been observing a lot of leaky taps , pipes, tankers since a long time. Won't the gravity of the water scarctiy reduce if we take the responsibility to fix these small leaks and gaps?

It will become a lot easier to take charge of these problems if all of us act a little responsible. I do understand that the system level inefficiencies (leaks in water supply pipes) are not under our control, but as the saying "The ocean is made up of tiny drops of water". Let's save every drop of water.


Note: I will soon do a photo essay on the water loss due to water leaks from different ways.


Post By: praveena