International training programme in Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM)

Forwarded to the Portal by: Binayak DasImage and Content courtesy: IWRM - SIWI The interactive and cross disciplinary training programme titled International Training Programme in Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) is run by the Stockholm International Water Institute and Ramboll Natura with funding from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency - Sida. The world is facing a water crisis that seriously affects production and living conditions, jeopardizing poverty reduction and sustainable development, particularly in the poor countries of the world. In many cases the limited water resources, particularly in water-scarce countries, are poorly managed resulting in inefficient use and deepening the crisis. Through the IWRM international training programme (ITP) we aim at contributing to poverty alleviation, by supporting capacity building for Integrated Water Resources Management. The approach is integrated and inter-sectorial. The application deadline is March 13, 2009. Cost The Swedish International Development Agency (Sida) covers the cost for the participation fee, including both accommodation and international travel to module 4 (see course brochure for complete description). The programme organisers do not have any aditional grants for participants. Participants must find funding to cover the travel costs to module 2 (see course brochure for complete description), visa costs and domestic travels to nearest international airport. Sida also chooses the eligible countries to match their overall strategy and focus areas, we, as programme implementers, do not have any control over this selection. How to Apply All applications must be made using the International Training Programme application form. Application forms (available here as a pdf) can not be made online. Application forms must be printed out, completed with all requested information and sent together with a recent photograph and all required documents to the nearest Swedish Embassy/Consulate. If there is no Swedish Embassy/Consulate in the applicant's country, then the application should be submitted directly to the Program Secretariat. Sending a copy by email or fax to the Secretariat is recommended.. Applications submitted after the closing date will not be considered. There has to be an official nomination from the home organisation (the participants supervisor) as the 1st, 3rd, and 5th modules include active involvement of the home organisation. Selected applicants will be notified via email or by phone approximately 2 months after the application deadline. Once accepted, the applicant must confirm participation. An invitation letter containing additional information on the programme and the practical arrangements will be sent to the selected applicant. For more information, please contact: Mr. Claus Pedersen, Ramboll Natura, +46 8 615 6000, Ms. Sara Hyllman, Ramboll Natura, +46 8 615 6000, For complete information on this and other programmes please visit:Integrated Water Resources Management Programmes Downloads: Course Brochure Application Form Eligible Countries
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