Integrated groundwater resources mapping in Gurgaon district, Haryana

This paper from the GIS Development site mainly deals with the preparation of integrated ground water resource (IGWR) map indicating ground water prospects, quality and depth. Indian remote sensing satellite (IRS-1C) geocoded false colour composites of Gurgaon district have been used for preparation of hydrogeomorphological map.

The northern part of the district is occupied with quaternary alluvium and southern and south eastern part is occupied by precambrian metasediments of Delhi systems. The land form of this district is formed by fluvial, structural and denudational origins. The main hydrogeomorphic units mapped are alluvial plain, alluvial plain with sand cover, valley fills, interrmontane valley/basin, structural hills, residual hills, buried pediments, linear ridges along with lineaments. Each geomorphic unit is assessed for probable ground water potentiality. Depth to water table and well location data has been collected form Ground Water Cell, Department of Agriculture, Haryana.

The prepared hydrogeomorphology, ground water quality and depth maps have been digitized in Arc/Info GIS environment. In order to provide more useful information on ground water resources, the authors have developed a methodology on integrated ground water resource map on 1:50,000 scale using remote sensing and conventional data in GIS environment. The IGWR map thus prepared gives information on ground water potential, quality and depth to water level at any given location. This information is very useful in narrowing down the target areas for siting bore wells. This will result in significant saving of time and cost.


Post By: rajshekar