Institutional and organizational analysis for pro-poor change: Meeting IFAD's millennium challenge

Message from: Crispino Lobo, WOTR source.JPG I am pleased to inform you all that my publication titled 'A Source Book - Institutional and Organizational Analysis for Pro-poor Change: Meeting IFAD's Millennium Challenge' has been published by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). The book can be accessed online here: A Source Book - Institutional and Organizational Analysis for Pro-poor Change: Meeting IFAD's Millennium Challenge Kindly pass on your comments and observations! More about the book: As part of the Millennium Development Goals, IFAD has committed itself to enabling the rural poor to help themselves out of poverty by increasing their organizational capacity to influence institutions of relevance to rural poverty reduction (policies, laws and regulations). As a result, IFAD has embarked upon a process to strengthen its own organizational competencies in institutional analysis and dialogue. This sourcebook, entitled Institutional and organizational analysis for pro-poor change: meeting IFAD's millennium challenge, is an attempt to complement and further this process. It has been written keeping in mind the needs of country programme managers, as well as consultants working with IFAD. The publication consists of number of tools and methods to undertake institutional analysis in the context of development and social initiatives. It is part of a collaborative response by IFAD to encourage more systematic institutional analysis in project design and implementation and to contribute to in-house and in-country capacity, learning and knowledge management. The sourcebook should not be perceived as conclusive, but rather as a living document, which will be revised regularly to reflect the dynamism of the topic and rapidly growing body of experience and knowledge in this area , knowledge that will need to be fed back into the sourcebook.
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