Information on Kyoto World Water Prize

Forwarded to the Portal by: Binayak Das At the 4th World Water Forum, FAN member, Gram Vikas won the prize: This is to inform you that the deadline for applications for the second edition of the Kyoto World Water Prize has been extended to November 30th, 2008. The Prize, subtitled "Contributing to the Millennium Development Goals through grassroots initiatives" , aims to give those working on water-related issues at the grassroots level the opportunity to present their work to the global water community, present at the 5th World Water Forum in Istanbul , in March 2009. Through the Prize, around 30 applicants will be selected and funded to attend the 5th World Water Forum. 10 finalists will be selected by an International Panel of Judges to compete for the prize money of 3 million JPY (around 28,000 USD). The prize money is used to continue the winning activities. All applications will be collected in a database of water-related actions from around the world that will be distributed to the expected 20,000 participants at the 5th World Water Forum. More details about the Kyoto Prize can be had here: On this page, you will also find the brochure in English, French, Spanish and Russian. Please feel free to share the news of this Prize with any individual or organization who you feel may be interested. Also remember the other Prizes: Hassan II Great World Water Prize - lifetime achievement award in recognition of "cooperation and solidarity in the fields of management and development in water resources." Eligible candidates: institutions organizations, individuals or group of individuals. Prize money: US$100,000. Details: Turkish Republic Prime Minister's Water Prize - For journalistic excellence in the coverage of issues related to the theme of the 5th World Water Forum, "Bridging Divides for Water." Two awards will be given, one for Turkey and another for the rest of the world. Prize money: 20,000 Euros each. Details:
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