Industrial, Investment and Infrastructure policy of Maharashtra - Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation (2006)

This document describes the details of the Industrial, Investment and Infrastructure Policy of Maharashtra. The document includes:

document includes:
The background to the policy
Industry scenario at the national level
Maharashtra: The preferred inductrial investment destination
Policy objective
Policy targets
Policy validity
Thrust areas
Infrastructure and communication: the growth engines
Promotional and financial incentives
Cluster approach for development
Co-operative industrial estates
Sick units: Revival and exit
New industrial townships
Special economic zones
Marketing assistance
International exhibition centres
Resource mapping and showcasing state's potential
HR initiatives
Labour laws and procedures
Single window clearance
Promotion of foreign direct investment
Restructuring of industries department
Review and monitoringThe document describes the details of the Industrial, Investment and Infrastructure Policy of Maharashtra. The document includes:
  • The background to the policy
  • Industry scenario at the national level
  • Maharashtra: The preferred industrial investment destination
  • Policy objective
  • Policy targets
  • Policy validity
  • Strategies
  • Thrust areas
  • Infrastructure and communication: the growth engines
  • Promotional and financial incentives
  • Cluster approach for development
  • Co-operative industrial estates
  • Sick units: Revival and exit
  • New industrial townships
  • Special economic zones
  • Marketing assistance
  • International exhibition centres
  • Resource mapping and showcasing state's potential
  • HR initiatives
  • Labour laws and procedures
  • Single window clearance
  • Promotion of foreign direct investment
  • Restructuring of industries department
  • Review and monitoring

Original document can be viewed here on the Maharashtra Industrial and Development Corporation website


Post By: rajshekar