"India: Water Need to be Double the Supply in 20 Years" : Droplets, e-newsletter, Jan 2010

Droplets e-Newsletter



  • India: Water Need to be Double the Supply in 20 Years
  • India: World Bank Loan for Water Supply
  • New Delhi: India & Australia Sign MoU on Sharing Water Technology
  • Punjab: Rs. 4,400 Cr for Water Projects
  • Bangalore: Rs. 1,100 Cr for Water Supply Project


  • Ion Exchange: Undertakes O&M of CPCL's Effluent Recycle Facilities
  • Hi-Tech: Supplies & Installs RO Plants of for Fluoride Removal
  • Aquatech: Awarded Thermal Desalination Project in Egypt


  • USA: Ozone Bubble Method to Remove Polluted Oil Sheen from Water
  • USA: Squeezing More Corn & Wheat Out of Each Scarce Drop of Water


  • Frost & Sullivan: Opportunities in Thai Water & Wastewater Markets


  • LANXESS India: Awarded for Water Resource Management


  • 7th EverythingAboutWater Expo: 7-9 January, 2010
  • InDACON 2010: 10-12 March, 2010 at Chennai, India

Click here for the entire newsletter

Post By: iwp