India - AMS topographical map - Series U502 - U.S Army Map Service (1955)

Topographical maps are crucial while planning and implementing watershed development programs. In India, these are available from the Survey of India, Dehradun.

This section from the Perry Castaneda Map Collection in the University of Texas at Austin Online Library, contains 1:250000 scale topographical maps of every part of India. In practice, 1:50000 or 1:25000 scale is used to plan works at a micro-watershed level, these 1:250000 maps, will help to give a high-level picture of the drainage of the region.

Note: The maps are dated back to 1955, and hence names of place and boundaries maybe outdated. However, the physical features are unlikely to have changed much since then.

The India AMS topographic map above can be accessed from this  link


Post By: reena
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