Implementation and testing of storm water management model - A research report by National Institute of Hydrology

The study endeavors to test the Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) in an urban area. The report presents the technical summary of the model, its structure, interaction between the various blocks of SWMM, the input requirements and the output. The Windows implementation of the blocks, including descriptions of the screen sequences, corresponding blocks, changes made for ease of use and limitations of the implementation are presented. The minimum hardware requirements and installation information for the Windows SWMM are discussed.

The model simulates all aspects of the urban hydrologic and quality cycles, including surface runoff, transport through the drainage network, storage, treatment and receiving water effects. It can be used for planning, design and operational purposes and is an appropriate tool for city engineers, especially when the sewer network is large or complex or when the quality is to be simulated.

SWMM model is constructed in the form of blocks (Runoff, Transport, Extran, Storage and Treatment) and service blocks (Executive, Rain, Temp, Graph, Statistics and Combine). Each block has a specific function, and the results are entered on working storage devices to be used as part of the input to other blocks. A typical run usually involves only one or two computational blocks together with the executive block. All the blocks of the model have been described briefly in the report and the data requirements in each case have been identified. The data entry along with the screen sequences have also been described for each of the blocks. The study also presents four example runs along with the test data to show the performance of the model.

A detailed literature review has been done and some real time application of the SWMM model has been presented indicating its wide applicability. SWMM is a relatively old model that has been improved several times. The Windows interface of the SWMM model has overcome its earlier limitations to some extent and is more user friendly. 

Download the report here:


Post By: rajshekar