IELRC site provides information on selected Indian supreme court and high court water-related cases, World Bank and Asian Develeopment Bank funded water projects alongwith national and state legislation related to water and sanitation

This section on the IELRC site contains selected Indian Supreme Court and High Court cases related to water. The decisions related to water and sanitation taken by the Supreme Court since the early years after independence also includes a few cases dating back to colonial times. Notable cases include - 

Mullaperiyar Environmental Protection Forum v. Union of India, 2006: This case concerned with the safety of a dam if the level of the water was to be raised. The court allowed the level to be raised in view of the fact that no danger was posed to human beings and the environment in doing so.

Narmada Bachao Andolan v. Union of India, 2000: This case concerns the construction of the Sardar Sarovar Dam over the river Narmada. 

View the Supreme Court cases

View the High Court cases

This section on the IELRC site, contains information on water-related projects in India, funded by the World Bank and Asian Development Bank, which contain conditions for legal reform.

View the World Bank projects

View the Asian Development Bank projects

View an overall list of National legistations related to water and sanitation on the IELRC site

View a overall list of State-wise legislations related to water and sanitation on the IELRC site


Post By: rajshekar