Identification of water quality monitoring sites on Kshipra river, Ujjain, MP – A research report by National Institute of Hydrology

The study deals with identification of water quality monitoring sites on Kshipra river of Ujjain. The location of permanent sampling station is probably the most critical factor in a monitoring network which collects water quality data. If the samples collected are not representative of the water mass, the frequency of samplings as well as the mode of data interpretation and presentation become inconsequential.

Besides economic considerations, there are three levels of design criteria for sampling station location. The macrolocation deals with the river reaches in the river basin, while the microlocation deals with the location of outfalls or other specific features within a river reach and the third level deals with the representative location points within a river’s cross-section. In the present study, only the macrolocations have been identified in Kshipra river. The Sharp’s procedure which is widely used for selecting locations is used.

One year monthly water quality data monitored at existing nine sites was available. This data was used to analyze both the temporal and spatial trend in water quality. On the basis of trend analysis, the justification of existing monitoring is carried out. Further as monitoring is a costly affair, it is also studied whether monitoring at some of the sites could be discontinued or may be less frequent.

Further, macrolocation for water quality monitoring were identified using Sharp’s procedure. Because, the flow data was not available, the pollution loading could not be calculated, the pollution indices were used in the Sharp’s procedure. The comparison is made between the existing and proposed water quality monitoring sites.

The study concludes that –

  • Water quality problem continues throughout the year but it gets aggravated during winter season
  • As of eutrophic condition, phosphate is the major cause of water quality problems
  • The temporal and spatial variations indicate that the upper reaches should have more water quality monitoring sites than the lower reaches

Download the report here:


Post By: Rama Mani