Hydrological investigations and instrumentation in a small watershed in Garhwal Himalayas - A research report by the National Institute of Hydrology

The report presents the preliminary results of a hydrological study in Danda watershed, a small hilly watershed located in Tehri-Garhwal, representative of the mountainous sub-humid agro-ecological region in the western Himalayas.

Using an integrated approach of hydrologic instrumentation, field investigations, remote sensing and GIS, the study proposed to evolve appropriate model for integrated and sustainable development in the watershed. The study looked at the following -

  • Erosion and sediment control strategies
  • Changes in land use and vegetative cover
  • Rainfall-runoff studies
  • Soil and water conservation (including spring rejuvenation) strategies
  • Hydrological modeling
  • Mechanisms for people’s participation in sustainable development of small watersheds

The study is aimed as a pilot project for demonstration to interested users and concludes with a future plan of action.

Download the report here - 

Post By: rajshekar