Hydrological inventory of river basins in Uttar Pradesh - A research report by National Institute of Hydrology

The hydrological inventory of Ganga basin provides information regarding availability of hydrological data and highlights major hydrological problems of the basins. The information is a useful input in water resources planning, management and research activities.

The sub-basins of the river Ganga and its tributaries are facing various hydrological problems. The surface water resources of the basin are immense in terms of total annual volumes, but the flow patterns show extremely high annual variations reflecting the varying rainfall pattern in the basin.

Rainfall pattern, geomorphology and topography of the basin are important parameters for understanding the nature of hydrological problems. Waterlogging and usar efflorescence are serious problems in the Sharda canal command and soil alkalization is the consequent effect of water logging.

The problem of sedimentation is one of the major factors, which leads to flood problems in the Ganga basin. The river Ganga spills over its banks at several places. Overexploitation of groundwater too has an impact on the hydrological problems of the basin. Furthermore, disposal of sewage and industrial effluents in Ganga and its tributaries leads to increasing pollution of Ganga waters.

The report contains a description of the sub-basins and includes their drainage maps, isohyetal maps and land use patterns. The details regarding the various raingauge stations and discharge sites are also presented in the report.

The hydrological and environmental problems of each sub-basin are discussed in detail with the help of various illustrations showing distribution of fluoride, chloride, salt-affected and waterlogged areas. 

Download the report here:


Post By: rajshekar