Hydrogeological and geochemical studies of groundwater flow in Suddagedda basin – A research report by National Institute of Hydrology

The report presents a hydrogeological and geochemical study of groundwater flow for the Suddagedda basin of Andhra Pradesh. Planning of water resources development projects calls for an understanding and analysis of the hydrological characteristics of the region. The hydrogeology and geochemistry of the basin needs to be investigated particularly for a groundwater resources development project.

The regional center of the National Institute of Hydrology at Kakinada along with the Ground Water Department had initiated investigations to undertake the water balance of the Suddagedda basin. In this direction, monthly groundwater levels and seasonal groundwater quality were monitored at about fifteen observation wells using double ring infiltrometer experiments, Guelph Permeameter tests and grain size distributions tests of soils.

In this study, the water level and quality data observed in all the fifteen observation wells is analyzed on a water year basis from June to May for the three years of 1996-97, 1997-98 and 1998-99. The study helped in developing the understanding on groundwater level variation in different parts of the basin as also in identifying places where fluctuation is very high.

The geochemical analysis was used to classify the groundwater into six groups in the study area. The data and analysis of the hydrogeology and geochemistry of the basin will be useful in giving a direction to undertake groundwater balance and modeling studies of the study area in future.

Download the report here:


Post By: Rama Mani