How is the water cycle represented in our text books ? - An analysis of science textbooks of the NCERT and Maharashtra State Board

In the recent times visual representation has acquired significant attention. These are in forms of photographs, sketches and schematic diagrams. At school level they are helpful in introducing abstract concepts in science. For this purpose they need to be appropriately integrated in the textbook. In the backdrop of this context this paper in Contemporary Education Dialogue is based on the analysis of the science textbooks of the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) and the Maharashtra State Board (MSB) for Classes 3–10.


Water cycle

Water cycle- Illustration courtesy : Sourabh Phadke

First an assessment is made on the use of visual representations following which the focus is on how it represents water cycle in textbooks. Here the authors look into the aspect of how the topic is discussed in school curriculum-the different types of visual representation used and how text and visuals are integrated effectively.

In the introduction the authors state that the idea of water cycle in school curriculum is unique as it is first abstract concept introduced to students through schematic diagram in their early stages of growing up. Starting from the most elementary level of water cycle, various complex concepts and processes are incorporated in the cycle in the higher classes, which includes transpiration and respiration.

The paper then goes on to state that visual representations become handy in depicting abstract concepts and complexity behind the water cycle. In the backdrop of this, the authors propose some general pedagogical guidelines and analyse some widely used science textbooks in India based on these guidelines.

The paper concludes with the following points:

  • Visuals are an inseparable part of science textbooks.
  • The pedagogical role of visuals is often obscured by their role in making the books imme¬diately attractive.
  • Though they are thought to be more important for younger children, they certainly have a role to play in reaching out to readers of all ages.
  • Visuals are more helpful for complex text.
  • The organisation and sequencing of visuals is an important tool for tuning the content and pedagogy for students at different learning levels.
  • Connection of visuals with the text and the use of labels need more attention in textbooks.
  • Use of visuals for the organisation, interpreta¬tion and transformation of ideas needs to be exploited instead of a reli¬ance on simple depictive or representational visuals.
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