How to create check dams for water conservation

In addition to controlling gully erosion, check dams also serve to slow the movement of water, allowing increased percolation into the soil. Just above a check dam is a good place to put in a percolation structure. Silt that builds up behind the dam creates good farmland, which can be planted after the rains while it retains moisture. The following series of pictures show one farmer’s success with building a percolation tank just upstream of a series of check-dams.

Check Dams for Water Conservation
If the purpose of a check dam is to create good land for planting after the rains, a structure called a nala bund can be used. The earthen bund will lead to flooding of the upstream area and retention of moisture and silt. The small weir allows for overflow into a narrow channel over gently sloping stone pitching. The stone section is built to hold back the silt, creating a good area for planting.
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Post By: rajshekar