H2S paper strip test for drinking water quality in the Pacific islands - a paper by SOPAC

This paper by SOPAC provides detailed information on scientific basis, manufacture and use of H2S paper strip test for drinking water quality, in the context of Pacific Islands, and gives suggestions on how the test can be utilised for rural community-based water quality monitoring.

The paper is divided into the following chapters:

  1. Summary
  2. Aim of this report
  3. Indicators of faecal pollution
  4. Background and scientific basis of the H2S test
  5. Making the H2S paper strip test
  6. Reading and interpreting results
  7. How the H2S test can be used
  8. Commercial availability of H2S test
  9. Validation of the H2S test for use in the Pacific Islands
  10. Conclusion
  11. References

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Post By: Rama Mani