This deals with the guidelines of the Central Water Commission (CWC) for preparation of river basin master plan, which was revised in 2007 in view of the new challenges and issues that have emerged in the water resources sector. The need for integrated river basin planning, development and management arises from the relationship between the availability of water resources and its possible uses in various sectors.
Most development decisions today are multi-disciplinary in nature involving economic, social and environmental dimensions and values. This in effect involves consideration of a large number of factors relating to various disciplines connected with water resources, an in-depth study and understanding of the basin’s developmental requirements, priorities and limitations.
Technological advancements in computer hardware and software have facilitated the analysis of water resources system in a cost effective, comprehensive and reliable manner at river basin level. The facilities such as Decision Support System (DSS), Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and Graphic User Interfaces (GUI) under WINDOWS environment are available for integrated water resources planning, development and management.
In view of the above and considering that many new challenges have emerged in water resources sector, the 1990 guidelines were revised to make it more comprehensive. Updated guidelines inter alia include new topics on ‘Mathematical Model’, Decision Support System (DSS), River Basin Simulation Model (RIBASIM), Policy Dialogue Model (PODIUM), Integrated Water Resources Planning, Development and Management (IWRPDM).
Download the guidelines here: