Guidelines for hydrological investigations in a small watershed – A research report by National Institute of Hydrology

The report presents guidelines for hydrological investigations in a small watershed. A watershed is an individual entity, and is a naturally occurring unit of the landscape, which contains a complex array of interlinked and interdependent resources and activities irrespective of political boundaries. In addition, it is logical unit having readily identifiable boundaries and characteristics of water movement, which helps in coordinated planning and management.

The watershed approach is most rational for programmes pertaining to optimum utilization of soil and water resources. Some of the important watershed characteristics, that are required for planning and implementation of the programmes, depends upon the purpose or type of studies or analysis for which information is required. In absence of ready made availability of required information, the watershed studies data should be generated through surveys and investigation.

Based on the discussion in the report, it is recommended that –

  • Data on rainfall, runoff, soil erosion, soil moisture content and its variation, soil physico-chemical properties and nutrient losses should be collected at watershed scales.
  • Small watersheds should be delineated on agro-ecological basis.
  • The hydrological behavior of the watersheds in different agro-ecological regions should be studied under different land-uses in relation to water yield, peak discharges and sediment production rates.
  • The effects of land treatment measures in reducing soil and water losses should be evaluated.
  • Design criteria should be developed for engineering structures for soil conservation and upstream flood control.
  • Instrumentation at small watershed scales is greatly inadequate; therefore, instrumentation network should be strengthened.
  • Coordination amongst different agencies working in the field of watershed development should be improved.

Download the report here:


Post By: Rama Mani