Groundwater quality studies in Belgaum city - A research report by National Institute of Hydrology

The study attempts to understand the status of groundwater quality in Belgaum city. In groundwater assessment studies, evaluation of the quality of groundwater is as important as the quantity because the usability of groundwater available is determined by its chemical, physical and bacteriological properties.

Considering the significance of water quality in water resources management, especially, in a city like Belgaum where water scarcity is a major problem, the City Corporation is meeting the water needs for municipal water supply through select wells in the city area.

It is observed that, though most of the major anions and actions are within the permissible limits, there is a trend of deterioration. Nitrate is one of the major contaminants affecting the groundwater. Higher concentration of sodium and potassium are also observed in some of the localities. Water samples analyzed in the study indicate that most of them lie within S1 and S2 category and the salinity zone ranges from C1 to C3.

Therefore, the study stresses the need for taking immediate steps to control the groundwater pollution. It recommends that for effective protection of groundwater quality from deleterious effects of pollution, there is urgent need to establish groundwater quality monitoring system in the area. The sampling points of this system need to be selected on the basis of the water supply systems, mode of waste water disposal and hydrogeological conditions prevalent in different zones.

Download the report here:

Post By: Rama Mani