Groundwater markets - A video interview with a social entrepreneur in Gujarat.

In conversation with a groundwater entrepreneur, the following issues are dealt: drying up of shallow bore wells leading to construction of deep bore wells, problem of water salinity and presence of total dissolved salts (TDS) in water. Further he also highlights the effectiveness of peer-monitoring amongst his customers to run groundwater business.

 The actual usage of bore wells is only for 90 days in a year during the growing season, which is done in winter. Choice of crops grown determines the water supplied for irrigation. A farmer, who grows cumin gets priority followed by cotton, castor and last being wheat.

On an average the entrepreneur sells water to 15-20 neighbouring farmers. Out of 50 acres of land for, which water is supplied by him, 40 acres of land is used for growing cumin. The entrepreneur gets one third of the total harvest, which is considered as the payment against water supplied. The farmer is expected to deliver this share of the entrepreneur at his residence. In case of any lapse on the side of farmer, he will be deprived of water for the next cropping season. 
