The Goa sewerage system and sanitation services management act - Government of Goa

This document describes the Goa Sewerage System and Sanitation Services Management Act and includes:

Short title, extent and commencement
Definitions of the terms used in the Act
Management of sewerage system and sanitation services
Prohibition of nuisance
Taking over sewerage systems and sanitation facilities developed by other
Dispute Redressal Authority
Offences and penalties
Act to have effect in addition to other Acts
Protection of action taken in good faith
Power to make rules

  • Short title, extent and commencement of the Act
  • Definitions of the terms used in the Act
  • Management of sewerage system and sanitation services
  • Prohibition of nuisance
  • Exemptions
  • Taking over sewerage systems and sanitation facilities developed by others
  • Dispute Redressal Authority
  • Appeal
  • Offences and penalties
  • Act to have effect in addition to other Acts
  • Protection of action taken in good faith
  • Power to make rules

The original document can be found here on the Government Printing Press, Government of Goa website

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Post By: rajshekar